O. M. G. I Can't *BELIEVE* I did that...
Fri Jun 25, 2010, 8:34 PM
Long story short, the bitch down the street yelled at my kid, made both of them cry, so I went down and told her to fuck off.
Long story longer, if you care to read it, is this:
I'm totally honest with other people about their kids, and I expect other people to be totally honest with me about mine. I'm very realistic about what and who my kids are, what they are capable of; and I feel like I know them very well.
So a couple of times in the past, my kids have not been asked to play over at this particular person's house; however, her kids are, and have always been welcome to play at mine. I went down to her house and asked if there was a problem with my kids, why they weren't invited, etc. She never said there was a problem WITH my kids, only some bullshit excuse about whatever she felt like complaining about at the time.
So today, my younger kid (who is 5 1/2) was in her yard and he picked up one of her solar lights. She said "he tore the top off of it." I told her I was sorry and that I would happily buy her a new one. She said that wasn't the point. The point was that he touched her property. Mkay...WTF? From what my mom says, the tops come off those lights anyway so you can put the batteries in there. But apparently this woman doesn't like people to move, much less touch, her cheese.
She also mentioned that my older child had called her an idiot. I said "I KNOW that. He TOLD me." And she's like "and you're ok with that?" "No, I'm not ok with that. But that is not why I'm here. And I've taken care of it already." (The whole while I'm thinking that she most definitely IS an idiot, and a rude one at that.)
Somehow I got on the subject of this pool party she had last week for her kids where some of the kids that play with my kids were invited, but yet again, mine weren't. My kids were really upset, and I couldn't tell them WHY they weren't invited because this woman had never come clean that she had issue with my kids. Hubs and I figured we knew the issue, but it would have been nice if she had been honest with us from the start and told us she didn't like our kids. I don't have a problem with that. AT. ALL. I don't think it's right, but some people just aren't cut out to deal with kids like mine.
Basically, I told her what I just told you and she said that she was trying to be "polite." I said "SCREW POLITE! I want you to be honest with me, so that next time this happens, I can tell my kids exactly why they aren't invited to your house." I went on to tell her that "she was not to yell at my kids, ever. I have never yelled at your kids and I expect that you will not yell at mine." All this time *I* was yelling at her...I was soooo pissed. How dare she treat my children like shit? I've been nothing but nice to her fucking annoying children, and this is the way she repays me? Fuck that. Then she tries to use the "I'm disabled and my husband passed away 2 years ago excuses." I said that I was very sorry she was in that situation but neither gives her the excuse to treat my kids like that.
We agreed, after about 15 minutes of very heated conversation, that she would like my kids to stay out of her yard. FINE! GREAT! I'm down with that...I'm so down with it that I told my kids to stay out of her yard 2 weeks ago. (And of course they went into her yard today to talk to her daughter...so yes, we have some listening issues).
But what gets me is she's sitting there bitching about a light...A FUCKING LIGHT...that a kid touched and it broke. I'm all "yanno, shit happens lady. They're kids." She's all "well I paid a lot of money for my house and I'm proud of it and I picked these lights out carefully." Ok...and? So I said "well what about the $30 I have to lay out because one of the neighborhood kids that I LET IN MY HOUSE TO PLAY EVERY DAY broke the kick pedal to the Rock Band drum set." Shit happens...I don't know what world she lives in that nothing gets broken in her house.
This is totally out of character for me, by the way. But she seriously picked the wrong day to fuck with me. I didn't feel good already, wasn't thrilled with her behavior to begin with, then she fucking yells at my kid. Momma bear went a little nuts. I'm not proud of yelling at her and of the example I set for my kids, but I TOTALLY stand behind every word that came out of my mouth. You just don't treat kids like that...I don't care how irritating they are. You just don't.
So I'm toying with the idea of apologizing for yelling at her...but making it very clear that I am apologizing only for the method by which I delivered my displeasure, not what I said to her. I've already explained to my kids that what Mommy did was not the right way to do it, and that I should have calmed down before I went over there. I also told them to stay the hell out of her yard, or there will be hell to pay - in the form of a spanking and staying inside for 2 days. Man I'm mean, but they know I mean business about this. I don't want to have a repeat of today.
I'll continue to let her kids play over here...if they want to. But I will absolutely not stand for her bullshit again.
On a side note, my husband and I have seriously considered taking her daughter to Wal Mart to buy the poor kid some clothes that fit her. Almost every thing she wears is way too small, her crack shows or the zipper won't zip. And here her Mom is buying new lights for her shitty looking front yard. Go lady go. (yes, I realize that is very judgmental, but damn...the poor kid can't ride her bike because her ass is hanging out of her jeans...and for my husband to notice this, it must be REALLY bad.)