I can't shake my head fast enough to clear the bullshit people spew.
I'm not trying to get on anyone's cool list, come down on the side of right or any of that. I'm stating MY opinion, and my opinion is that I am amazed, yet again, at the intolerance people can show to others.
I'm certainly not saying I'm perfect. I laugh at things everyday that might offend others. I curse, think coarse things, etc etc ad nauseum....but it is MY CHOICE to do those things. I will say that this incident has made me think about things a little differently. I still think certain religiously based groups are funny as hell and I'm not likely to stop thinking that anytime soon...but I think I understand the motives of the people in them a bit better.
Everything in this life that we think we can control is a CHOICE. We make choices every minute of every day, perhaps without even realizing that we are indeed making choices.
How appropriate that Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb is playing right now. I think I'd be a bit more comfortably numb if I'd had that beer I wanted earlier. Too late now.
It's likely few of you will know what this post refers to, and that's ok. That particular drama need go no further in my opinion. It's been beaten to fucking death like the proverbial horse.
But I'm still shaking my head.