Wednesday, March 11, 2009


...I rode a couple miles yesterday. Not a smart idea, most likely. My foot hurt for the rest of the day and that tetanus shot has kicked my ass. My arm is sore, hot and itchy at the site of the injection and I have had one bitch of a headache for a couple days, as well as feeling run down and tired. I NEVER take OTC painkillers and I took Tylenol TWICE yesterday...and it barely touched the pain in my arm.

Absolutely bizarre, if you want to know my opinion about this reaction to the shot. Course, I react strangely to most I shouldn't be all that surprised.


the Man said...

So, wait why did you need to get a tetanus shot?

My doc gave me one, saying it had been more than 10 years since my last one, but I don't remember every getting regular tetanus shots when I was a kid.

Yes my arm was sore for about 3 days just as you mentioned, but I still wondered if there is some epidemic of tetanus going around causing everyone to need tetanus shots?

Jodey said...

I stepped on a nail on my back deck...went to the Doctor at the behest of my mother and the Doc said I was running a low grade fever and needed a tetanus shot since she didn't have any on record for me (and I've been seeing her for over 10 years).

My arm was sore for a week and a half, and 2 weeks later I still have an itchy knot where I was given the shot.

No epidemic, and thus the reason for the shots - herd immunity keeps the incidence of diseases down in this country. And honestly, I don't want lockjaw. :)