Sunday, September 27, 2009

Obama wants kids in school for longer

Read this

I'm not fond of this idea. My older kid has enough issues and putting him in school for any longer during the day than he currently is would be detrimental not only to him, but to our family. Perhaps a better idea would be to look at how schools are structured currently and do a different job of targeting kids who show promise in certain areas. While this may sound strange coming from a history major, perhaps it's time we cut back on social studies, etc and spend longer in math, science music/art, and computer skills - which should include programming, etc.

If we put kids in school for so much longer per day or on weekends, when are we supposed to teach the things they need to know from us, their parents? Talk about stress! No way would I want to try to put the three or four hours of things we do every night into one or two. Not only that, but kids are not machines. They need time to relax, learn social skills by playing with other kids or parents and time to simply be kids.

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