Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Have you ever known deep down that you really need to stop something, but equally strong is the instinct not to quit? Because if you quit, you give it up; and if you give it up, it might be gone forever?

I'm kind of feeling that way right now. About a few things in my life. It's like I'm at one of those cartoon signs with arrows that point a hundred different ways. If you go that way, you may end up here; if you go the other way, maybe you'll end up there, but you might end up somewhere completely different.

It's the mystery of life, I suppose, not knowing what's ahead of us and only being able to look behind with some certainty. In the right now, it's the swirling mist of choices and where they may lead.

My heart is heavy right now...with these choices and decisions that need to be made. And that little voice in my head whispering "how did you get here?"

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