Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year and all that jazz...

Well, today is it...the end of 2008. It's been a weird year for me - physically, emotionally and mentally.

I went off my anti-depressant sometime during this past year, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, took a trip to Colorado by myself, met some really good friends, started mountain biking and did a few other things I never thought I'd do. In some ways it's been a hellish year - mostly mentally and emotionally. In many ways it's been a great year, especially physically.

I started taking pictures last October and have, I hope, gotten a whole hell of a lot better at it. I'm proud of many of my pics and may do a 2008 pic year in review later tonight.

I hope to get myself together in 2009 - make decisions about some pretty important things in my life and get happy. Supposedly, happiness comes from job will be to find it. And maybe it's not happiness I'm looking for. Maybe it's satisfaction and fulfillment.

I wish you all the best in your 2009 endeavors.

Happy New Year!

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