Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oh my GAWD!

Oh noes! For reals I need to post some pixels on this here bloggity blog! I know I have my handy dandy flickr linkage over there on the right side, but how many people really click click?

Some of these you won't find on flickr because they are from my "private stock" of photos that I post elsewhere. If you are faint (or is it feint?) of heart or don't like Fat Chick Biker or other women's body parts, PLEASE, for fuck's sake, DON'T LOOK! Cuz I don't want to hear you whine, tell me your eyes are burning or that you need to scrub your brain with a wire brush.

Ok...I got bored with this post...I'll upload pics later should I get unbored with it. :) I'm such a tease. :P

ETA @ 11:29pm...maybe these are on flickr...who the hell knows? I just like these. My mom actually has a framed print of the first one.

So now y'all know what kind of other photography I like to do. Random shit...whatever suits my overly active yet creative brain at the moment. I am going to look around for models soon...I need to learn how to shoot a camera...duh. :D

Here are a couple that I really like...

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