Some of these you won't find on flickr because they are from my "private stock" of photos that I post elsewhere. If you are faint (or is it feint?) of heart or don't like Fat Chick Biker or other women's body parts, PLEASE, for fuck's sake, DON'T LOOK! Cuz I don't want to hear you whine, tell me your eyes are burning or that you need to scrub your brain with a wire brush.
Ok...I got bored with this post...I'll upload pics later should I get unbored with it. :) I'm such a tease. :P
ETA @ 11:29pm...maybe these are on flickr...who the hell knows? I just like these. My mom actually has a framed print of the first one.
So now y'all know what kind of other photography I like to do. Random shit...whatever suits my overly active yet creative brain at the moment. I am going to look around for models soon...I need to learn how to shoot a camera...duh. :D
Here are a couple that I really like...

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